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Dedicated server

Powerful servers with high-end resources and maximum security, thanks to certified data center in Germany. Server Hosting
already from 1,90€/ month

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KVM Server

from 2,45€


from 7,65€


from 0,09€/Slots


from 0,33€
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In-house Web interface

An interface with many, extensive possibilities awaits you! We offer a simple and user-friendly dashboard, with which all important functions are available at a glance.

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ARBOR DDoS Protection

FameSystems relies on the global market leader Arbor Networks.
Our DDoS protection (up to 1 Tbit/s) mitigates all customer traffic 24/7, filtering and blocking potential attacks in real time.

Your benefits with FameSystems

Making the best possible use of digital opportunities. This is the task we face as a hosting company for private individuals and business customers. Our team of experts is your key contact for IT matters. Years of experience, a perfectly trained team and fast availability make us a pleasant partner at your side. With our self-developed web interface the administration of your products is very easy. Get to know some of the advantages of FameSystems below:

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DDoS Protection

The security of your servers is close to our heart. All our servers are protected 24/7 against DDoS attacks (up to over 1 TBit/s) with multi-level protection measures and filtering methods.

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Qualified personnel

Our team of experts is your personal and competent contact in all IT matters, even 365 days a year.

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No setup fee

FameSystems avoids unnecessary costs for customers. Therefore, we do not charge a setup fee for the provision of our products.

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With us, the wait is over! After payment, our products are usually available within seconds*.

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We are located exclusively in Germany to ensure the highest safety standards for our customers.

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You can put an end to reminders and late payments with our PrePaid products.

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Over 1000 domain extensions

  • Simple domain management

    You can manage your domain at any time via our customer interface.

  • Own DNS entries

    You can manage your DNS records yourself at any time.

  • Own name servers

    The use of own name servers is possible at any time and without additional costs.

star VERY GOOD (4.6/5) 256+ Reviews

Data protection and operational security

A multi-level security system protects your data. And: You benefit from the clear advantages of a data center in Germany, such as operation according to German standards for data protection and operational security as well as DSGVO compliance. The data center offers, among other things, multi-level access controls, camera surveillance, comprehensive fire protection and a 24-hour security service. The individual IT infrastructure installations meet every customer need without construction restrictions. The data center is TÜV-approved and certified according to ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and ISO 9001 (Q2-2021).

Learn more
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Our latest news & blogs

FameSystems informs you about the latest developments and events.

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Frohes Neues Jahr 2025 wünscht Ihnen Ihr Team von FameSystems!

Liebe Kundinnen und Kunden,wir hoffen, dass Du gut und gesund ins neue Jahr gestartet bist! Das gesamte Team von FameSystems möchte die Gelegenheit nutzen, Dir ein frohes, gesundes und erfolgreiches neues Jahr zu wünschen.Zum Jahresbeginn möchten wir auch einen Moment innehalten, um auf das vergangene Jahr zurückzublicken. Dank Deiner Treue, Deines Vertrauens und Deiner wertvollen Zusammenarbeit konnten wir gemeinsam große Erfolge feiern und spannende Projekte umsetzen. Dafür möchten wir uns von Herzen bei Dir bedanken.Deine Anregungen und Deine Partnerschaft sind für uns der Schlüsse ...

Daniel Burkert
31 Dec, 2024